Clashes of interest and personality!!

~ Monday 20 April 2009
It has been a gruelling challenge for me to find someone who shares the same interests!! most of the times, i find myself suffer from the torment of inner battle just for the sake of accomodating people..It has always been me who gives in to entertain their needs!! BUT sadly at the same time leaving my interests unpursued!! it's completely exhausting and uneasy!! HELL i'm struggling.....

Some people are just plainly self-centered and selfish i'd say!! it's so unfortunate to have experienced much of these people!! n being around them still.. in a totally deserted population is somewhat a torture for a "malleable" person like me.. I bend in many possible ways to interlock ..what option do I have???

I should blame my personality for not having the gut to deny people!! Knowing me for nearly 23 years.. i hardly say NO.. it's rude!! it's been my patience and forgiveness that compromise things!! bt sadly my crave for a mutual response has never been satisfied!! i don't deserve this!! Today,, i was disgruntled again!! and realized that my heart is now spaceless for another try...

It's time for me to be firm with what i wanted in life!! being unhappy for other people's happiness is BULLSHIT!! do it on selected pple may be =P life is too short, i just want to be with people whom i enjoyed to be with...or y not being independant??? yess y not??

ok la esok pi main bowling sorang2 =( haha


thefourtharif said...

sometimes you have to be selfish and show them that u too need to be respected...