If you think, in any way that i've stepped on your toes! then I'm so sorrryyyy.....
but i definitely did not deserve a
"bitch" on someone's wall, whereas i just wrote a
"lipstick" on yours that lasted for a couple of minutes... WTH!
U were so sEXCITED when the other guy tweet-ed as such! but u abruptly became a fat mad cow when i did that! it's unfair...I know it's bloody uneasy to know someone of not really your crowd, has invaded your dark little secret...but well, i should correct myself that i didn't infrinch your privacy but it came to me "leisurely" without me looking for it! clear?
Hey listen! you should have said it to my face if you were disgruntled, rather than waiting for an opportunity to burst publicly and you apparently involved many pepople!! for god's sake, it's not a big deal lady! no one would understand "playing with lipstick'?? what the hell is that?? were u menorrhagic or something? yeah I guess so!...u know what.?? I could have written something nasty, and really trashed ur dignity in no time!!
. "pleasuring yourself with vibrating lipstick" doesn't sound nice, isn't it? common sense!
I defined the limits very well even though i still have one bloody unsettled issue with you! but....
I WARN YOU....Don't u dare to touch me again.....
I may not just flinch next time!!!p/s: tulis time marah :( I actually have NOTHING against you pon... no worries=p